Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My sister

It is so difficult to be in country where you do not have your family, and probably I cannot count how many people are in the same situation like me. Sometimes, I feel so lonely when I think about my family, and I just want hug from my mom, dad or sister, just to feel warm of their hearts. I was not in Serbia almost one year and I cannot wait for the day when I will go. It will be this summer of course; do not think that I will leave them to wait some more time for me.
My sister Tamara is pregnant and I am very excited because she will deliver a baby in March and when I go I will have chance to be with her too. Yes, it is a little girl, little Sara. I am very close to my sister and I feel bad because I cannot be with her in these moments. However, we talk every day and even I can see her. We use famous program Skype where you can talk and see people without paying any amount for it. It helps me to not feel so far from my family.
I love my sister so much but we are so different. Although, it helps us to understand other people because we learn together what is good and what is not for us. Also, I am always for adventure and I think that I can do everything alone, like traveling around the world. She is more dedicated to our parents and she is not an adventurer as I am. Tamara is a more introverted, shy, and very sensitive person. I have a feeling that she will always call me just to check that I am not doing something crazy. People usually think that we are twins. We always laugh about that. We look at ourselves in the mirror to try to see what is so similar between us.

1 comment:

  1. In China, people could not have second kid...I am the only kid in the family...I wish I could have a sister or brother
