Sunday, May 3, 2009

Montana 1948

"Montana 1948" is a book by Larry Watson and tells the story of a family who lived in Montana. The setting of this novel takes place in a small, rural town called Bentrock, a little city in Mercer Country Montana, in the summer of 1948, during the post war years. The town of Bentrock is described as hard country; the land is dry and sparse and the wind never stops blowing. The heat and thunderstorms in summer can be brutal, and the winters are legendary for the fierceness of their blizzards and the depths to which temperatures drop. In this little town the Hayden family controlled the law and the medicine; this implies that this family had a lot of influences and power over the people of the town. In this story we found a great group of characters. David Hayden the one who relate this story is a twelve year old boy, who was tired of his life and always was dreaming of living through a wild life to his style; Marie a Native American Indian who was the housekeeper but the family really hired her as babysitter; David's father Wesley Hayden was the Sheriff of the Country, a position that he inherited from his father since always the Hayden family was trying to find the way of possessing this position.

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